Improving and updating the Agreement on PGV Rules


The meeting of authorized representatives of the Contracting Parties to the PGV Agreement on updating the PGV Agreement, examination of amendment and change proposals to the PGV with regard to charge rates for use of freight wagons and bogies in international rail traffic (hereinafter called “the meeting”) was held at the OSJD Committee offices in Warsaw from 4 to 6 June 2024 according to the Work Plan of the OSJD Commission on Freight Traffic for 2024 and decision on sub-item 2.2 of the expert meeting of the Contracting Parties to the PGV, held from 3 to 5 April 2024 in Warsaw. The issues relating to the adoption of draft Work Plan on Updating the Agreement on use of freight wagons in international traffic (PGV) for 2025 were also tackled.


The meeting was attended by authorized representatives of the Contracting Parties to the PGV Agreement from Belarus (BC), Bulgaria (Holding BDZ), Hungary (MAV CJSC, RCH CJSC), Iran (RAI), Kazakhstan (KZH), Kyrgyzstan (KRG), Latvia (LDZ CARGO), Lithuania (LTG), Moldavia (CFM), Mongolia (JSC UBZD), Russia (JSC RZD), Romania (UTZ, CTV), Slovakia (ZSSK CARGO), Tajikistan (TDZ), Uzbekistan (UTI), Ukraine (“Ukrainian Railways” JSC), Estonia (EVR) as well as representatives of the OSJD Committee.


In the welcome address was emphasized the relevance and importance of discussing and making decisions on practical and topical issues included on the agenda and the delegation members were thanked for their participation in the work and active engagement.

In compliance with the paragraph 3 of Rules for conduct of meetings (Appendix C to the PGV Agreement) the meeting was led by Mrs. Olga Artemjeva, a member of the OSJD Committee, an expert of the OSJD Commission on Freight Traffic.


Mr. Attila Kiss, Secretary of the OSJD Committee informed the meeting participants of decisions, which have been taken at XXXVIII Session of the Conference of General Directors (authorized representatives) of OSJD Railways (15 – 19 April 2024, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat) with regard to the freight traffic as well as updating the Agreement on use of freight wagons in international traffic (PGV Agreement) and actualisation of the Rules for use of freight wagons (PGV).

The participants of the meeting took also note of implementation of decisions, which have been taken at the meeting of authorized representatives of the Contracting Parties to the PGV Agreement, which took a place on 19 – 22 June 2023 at the OSJD Committee offices (Warsaw).

The participants of the meeting discussed the two proposals concerning the recalculation of charge rates for the use of freight wagons, bogies and wagons without bogies in international rail traffic, which have been previously calculated on basis of data submitted by Contracting Parties to the PGV Agreement for 2023 or adjusted for inflation. The matter was put to the vote. None of the proposals was adopted by the participants. As a result, the existing charge rates shall remain.

In view of the decision made by the Russian Railways JSC as a Contracting Party to the PGV Agreement and a member of the Rate Calculation Working Group to terminate, from 2025, its function as the leading railway undertaking for the rate calculation work, the LDZ CARGO as a Contracting Party to the PGV Agreement and a member of the Rate Calculation Working Group confirmed its readiness to assume the role of the leading railway undertaking in that topical area, from 1 January 2025.

The following amendments to the PGV Agreement have been adopted by representatives of the Contracting Parties to the PGV Agreement at this meeting:

Editorial changes across the text of the PGV Agreement, amendments to Appendix B “Rules for use of freight wagons in international traffic”, (point 5.3, point and point, Appendix 1 “Technical requirements for wagons” (point 12.5, point 13.3), Appendix 25 “Sample sign indicating preventive maintenance period”, Appendix 36 “Wagon label” and Appendix F “Request for accession to the PGV Agreement”.

Based on the decisions taken, further work on updating the Agreement and the Rules for use of freight wagons (PGV) will be carried out at regular meetings in 2025, taking into account the amendment proposals to be submitted by the Contracting Parties to the PGV Agreement.

The final decision on the agreed amendments and changes to the PGV Agreement and PGV with their entry into force on January 1, 2025 will be announced by the OSJD Committee, the depositary of the PGV Agreement, to all Contracting Parties to the PGV Agreement in compliance with the provisions of the PGV Agreement.

Finally, the participants of the meeting decided to include the implementation of the work on the topic “Updating the Agreement on use of freight wagons in international traffic (PGV)” in the draft Work Plan of the OSJD Commission on Freight Traffic for 2025.