III Session of the International Conference for the Adoption of the Text of the Convention on Direct International Railway Traffic


Сессия проходила под председательством статс-секретаря – заместителя министра транспорта Российской Федерации Сергея Аристова, а функции Секретаря сессии выполнял Председатель Комитета ОСЖД Тадеуш Шозда.

The Session was chaired by the State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Sergey Aristov, and the functions of the Session Secretary were performed by Tadeusz Szozda, Chairman of the OSJD Committee.

To verify the credentials, a Committee was elected consisting of the representatives of the delegations from Hungary, Georgia, Republic of Poland, Russian Federation and Romania. Levan Tsurtsumiya, Chairman of this Committee, reported on the available credentials of 22 delegations of the OSJD member states, in which connection Sergey Aristov, Chairman of the Session, stated its validity.

The participants of the session noted that representatives of the European Union had submitted credentials from the President of the European Commission.

To prepare the minutes of the 3rd session, the Conference set up an editorial group consisting of the delegates from Georgia, Republic of Kazakhstan, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Latvia and Russian Federation.

The session considered and adopted the text of Articles 22-27 of the draft Convention on International Direct Railway Traffic. Some amendments and additions into it were adopted by a consensus vote after lengthy discussions and expression of various opinions. The course of consideration and the text of the adopted amendments and additions have been reflected in the minutes, compiled and signed in three languages: English, Chinese and Russian.

The Conference has decided to hold its IV Session from 26 till 30 March 2018 in Warsaw (Republic of Poland) and has adopted the provisional agenda as follows:

  1. Adoption of the agenda of the 4th Session.
  2. Discussion of the text of the Convention on International Direct Railway Traffic.
  3. Date and agenda of the 5th Session of the Conference.

The session approved the preliminary date for the fifth session of the Conference, defining it on 19-23 November 2018.